What drives someone to move to a new country, and how do they maintain their cultural identity? Our 4–5 students investigated these questions by conducting...
Current and former faculty and staff gathered on Tuesday, June 11 for the first-ever Honorary Alumni Ceremony and Reception, a special event to honor those...
The Class of 2024 is poised to attend a number of impressive colleges and universities! Explore the list below to discover where our graduates will...
Another year, another wonderful Senior Clap-In! Watch the full video of faculty, staff, and students cheering on the graduating class at wf-link.org/clapin2024.
Grade 7 students recently exhibited their year-end projects about Portland, exploring a variety of topics that provided a more in-depth look at the city. Notable...
The entire eighth grade recently gathered with their families for the first-ever Step-Up Celebration, an event designed to acknowledge all the important work students have...
The All School Art Show in the Waynflete Art Gallery was an amazing, colorful way for students to brighten our campus this spring. The show had everything from airborne wonders and handmade...